SEISS Second Phase | David Beckman & Co Ltd
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SEISS Second Phase

Can you claim for additional Self Employed Income Support?

The second phase of the Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) starts today.

The first grant covered a three month period to 13 July 2020. The second grant will cover the three months starting 14 July 2020.

Those eligible for the first quarter need to have claimed SEISS by 13 July 2020 in order to get the first grant. 

Can you claim for the second period commencing 14 July 2020?

If you received a grant for the first period this does not give you automatic rights to claim for the second period.

There are two things you will need to consider:

  • Are you eligible, and
  • Do you meet the qualifying condition?

What if I could not claim for the first grant but circumstances have changed?

If you were not able to claim for the first SEISS grant to 13 July 2020, but you are now adversely affected – and you meet all other eligibility criteria – you should be eligible to claim the second grant.

What are the qualifying conditions for the second grant under SEISS?

The qualifying conditions are the same as those for the first grant, but because time has moved on, you may have qualified for the first grant but not the second.

You will need to consider if your self-employment continues to be adversely affected by COVID disruption after 14 July 2020. This typically means that your business has experienced lower income and / or higher costs because of coronavirus (COVID-19) since 14‌‌ July. There is no minimum threshold over which a business’s income, costs or activity need to have changed by, but you will need to keep appropriate records as evidence of how your business has been adversely affected.

The factors that you should examine are:

  • Have government regulations had an adverse impact?
  • Have regulations affected your staff or customers?
  • Restrictions mean you cannot organise your work or workplace to allow staff to work safely.
  • You cannot serve customers due to social distancing.
  • Your supply chain is affected.
  • You have lost contracts.
  • You have fewer or no customers.


  • You may be ill or obliged to socially distance.
  • You may have had to care for others and unable to work.

If you do not fit any of the above criteria, for the three months beginning 14 July 2020, you may not be eligible to make a further claim under SEISS.

How much is the claim worth?

The second taxable grant is worth 70% of average monthly trading profits (a reduction from the 80% available under the first grant). This will be paid out in a single instalment and will be based on three months’ worth of trading profits and capped at a maximum of £6,570. 

How do you make a claim? 

The government portal opens today on their website. So you can repeat the process you had to undertake to claim for the first grant. As before, we as your agent cannot apply for the grant for you. But if you are unsure how to apply or how much you are due, we can help. Just email or call us on 01737 844 322.

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